
Style Files

Colour Trend: Is Navy the New Black?

I have always been more of a shoes and handbags addict rather than a clothes horse.

During my 20s and early 30s my wardrobe mainly consisted of black items in an effort to keep things easy and simple in the wardrobe department. My work uniform was made up of your standard black work suits, various classic LBDs, black cashmere sweaters, black jeans, black coats, basically black everything

Is Navy the New Black?

When I first started working in London, my mother would often ask, 'Why do you wear so much black? It washes you out, it’s not good for your skin tone.’ At the time, as one typically does in their early 20s, I completely ignored her, quietly thinking to myself she had no idea what she was talking about. I felt it was the easy wardrobe staple to looking like a well-dressed, chic and professional woman.

But when my boyfriend, now husband, started commenting on my colour choices and saying 'Why are you buying another black sweater, dress, [enter any item of clothing here]", I started to wonder whether they had a point.

Black can be draining and downbeat as much as it can be slimming and fierce, and now in my late 30s, two kids later, I don’t care as much about looking fierce and (as) slim as I did back then. For a few years now I have been avoiding black altogether and find myself drawn to navy blue instead. In fact, my wardrobe is now based on navy blue in all its inky, expensive-looking glory and you will often find me wearing it from head to toe!

Until recently, navy blue had a slight image of being something your mother would have worn, but then it became really right to wear it. It's flattering for day-time or night-time, it's more forgiving than black, less harsh, and carries a subtle air of sophistication. Plus, it stripes better than any other colour, and looks both classic and sharp at the same time. 

I think it looks perfect with the pale pink trend, or with the other classic – camel. I would also add grey to that list. For this reason, spending on something navy isn’t foolish, as the colour works hard for your investment.


It's no surprise then that stylish women loving navy blue is not breaking news because even the cliche’ of the black-clad front-row fashion editor is a little outmoded.

If the so-called black crows of old are now in navy, then it must be a navy revolution!

Ciao for now,

"When I see someone in navy, I think they are sophisticated, effortless, not trying too hard but with an innate sense of style.” Jane Shepherdson, Former CEO of Whistles.

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